My Journey to Becoming a Teacher-Scientist
Brittany Franckowiak, Science Teacher, Wilde Lake High School
Becoming a scientist came relatively easy for Ms. Franckowiak. Becoming a teacher-scientist was a much greater challenge. Experience the journey she took to the classroom where she found she had always belonged.
Two People Who Changed My Path
James LeMon, Executive Director of Community, Parent and School Outreach
From a cafeteria worker to a football coach, you never know who will be that person that will impact a child and change their lives.
Teaching is More Than a Job, It’s a Calling
Niklas Berry, Social Studies Teacher, Oakland Mills HS
Growing up in multiple cultures, Mr. Berry's students left him wondering if he chose to be a teacher or if there were deeper cultural reasons for his choice profession.
See the ABLE, not the LABEL
Jodi Bahrijczuk, Regional ALS Special Educator, Elkridge Landing MS
As a student in Howard County public schools, Jodi experienced teachers that taught her to embody the mindset of reaching her full potential no matter what challenges she may face.
This Six-Word Story Changes as Focus Becomes Student-Centered
Linda Murveit, Minc-fl teacher / RECC ITL, Atholton ES
Linda alters her six-word story from "Young girl starts school already broken," to something far different by listening to her students.
A Student Who Changed My Entire Approach to Teaching
Marcy Leonard, HCPSS Community Superintendent
A student's perspective significantly altered the way this young teacher viewed her role as an educator and ultimately led to many years of providing opportunities for all students.
My Influential HCPSS Teacher
Whitney Hogan, Special Educator/Author - Waterloo ES
An influential HCPSS teacher led Whitney to pursue her passion in special education.
No Regrets!
Bill Barnes, HCPSS Chief Academic Officer
Growing up in poverty and experiencing abuse, Bill was driven to be an educator by the powerful words of his mother.